Komei Sugiura Laboratory, Department of Information and Computer Science
Semantic Machine Intelligence Laboratory, Keio University
AR25: DM2RM: Dual-Mode Multimodal Ranking for Target Objects and Receptacles Based on Instructions
CoRL24: Task Success Prediction for Manipulation Based on Multi-Level Aligned Representations
RA-L24: Learning-To-Rank Approach for Identifying Everyday Objects Using a Physical-World Search
IROS24: Object Segmentation from Manipulation Instructions with Optimal Transport Polygon Matching
CoNLL23: JaSPICE: Automatic Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning Models
IROS23 presentation video 5min: Switching Head-Tail Funnel UNITER for DREC-fc Tasks
IROS23 presentation video 5min: Multimodal Diffusion Segmentation Model for Object Segmentation
IROS23 presentation video 5min: Prototypical Contrastive Transfer Learning
IROS23: Multimodal Diffusion Segmentation Model for Object Segmentation
IROS23: Prototypical Contrastive Transfer Learning for Multimodal Language Understanding
IROS23: Switching Head-Tail Funnel UNITER for Dual Referring Expression Comprehension