Komei Sugiura Laboratory, Department of Information and Computer Science

Semantic Machine Intelligence Laboratory, Keio University

  • CoRL24: Task Success Prediction for Manipulation Based on Multi-Level Aligned Representations

  • RA-L24: Learning-To-Rank Approach for Identifying Everyday Objects Using a Physical-World Search

  • IROS24: Object Segmentation from Manipulation Instructions with Optimal Transport Polygon Matching

  • CoNLL23: JaSPICE: Automatic Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning Models

  • 生活環境対話技術の研究開発

  • IROS23 presentation video 5min: Switching Head-Tail Funnel UNITER for DREC-fc Tasks

  • IROS23 presentation video 5min: Multimodal Diffusion Segmentation Model for Object Segmentation

  • IROS23 presentation video 5min: Prototypical Contrastive Transfer Learning

  • IROS23: Multimodal Diffusion Segmentation Model for Object Segmentation

  • IROS23: Prototypical Contrastive Transfer Learning for Multimodal Language Understanding

  • IROS23: Switching Head-Tail Funnel UNITER for Dual Referring Expression Comprehension

  • 慶應義塾大学理工学部 情報工学科 杉浦孔明研究室 実世界知識を扱う機械知能の理論と応用を一体化し研究に取り組む